Oversized Hero & Background Images: Unfounded Fad or Conversion Booster?

by May 27, 2014

You see them everywhere these days—oversized images used for product hero shots, or a large photo as a background image in lieu of whitespace. Using images as background is one of the hottest trends in web design.

Oversized Hero & Background Images: Unfounded Fad or Conversion Booster?

An oversized image is a great way of immediately getting your visitors attention, and can help you build emotions around your messaging. At ConversionLab we use these a lot in landing pages we create for our customers, but are they actually effective in terms of conversion rates?

[Spoiler]: The conclusion from the all the case studies show that oversized images increased conversion rates. As always you should perform A/B tests to verify that this new trend works for you!

Read the fascinating findings from case studies over at the Daily Egg »

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