The headline is the first thing your visitors will see – so pay extra attention to this tip. Make sure your headline clearly describes what the visitor will get from this page. Also make sure that the headline matches the message on the traffic source.



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7048 Trondheim 

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ConversionLab is a small team of dedicated marketers based in Trondheim, Norway - serving the world.

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We make sure you get more leads by creating and optimizing high performing landing pages.

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Match headline and traffic source


Be specific

The traffic source is where your visitor came from. It can be a banner ad, Google AdWords, or similar. This is where you promised the gorilla his banana (as referred to in conversion tip #1), so make sure you mention the banana again here. The more specific you can be on the headline – the better it is. And make it short and specific.

Use a supporting secondary headline

To make sure your headline stays short and to the point, you can add a supporting statement in your secondary headline. Your secondary headline can include additional persuasive content to support your headline. 

Notice how the headline on the landing page below from Shopify follows up on the call to action on the ad "Start your online store". Perhaps if they change the headline slightly it could match even better. "Sell online - start your 14-day free trial now"?


  • Don't create confusion
    Make sure your landing pages deliver what was promised in the ad by matching both design and messaging.

  • Explain WHAT and WHY
    In 3-5 seconds explain to your user WHAT you offer and WHY they should choose you.

Key takeaways

In this example from the traffic source is a display ad. Then you get the added dimension of design match that's equally important. As you can see below the design matches 100% which helps the gorilla recognize the banana immediately.